An old draft I found from 2010 that I'd not posted:
My daughters are catching the bug and the knitting fever. AM, my 17 year old, loves to knit toys and in the last 2 weeks has knit 2 16-18 inch sock monkeys. CE, daughter #1 at 20 years old, knit an elephant for her girlfriend. She's moved onto making a hat from Noro Silk Garden (sort of raising fiber snobs). Now, the trick is to make sure they don't loose my Addi needles!! Now SL, CE's girlfriend, is being drawn into the web!! At first she was completely opposed to knitting cause that was for those old grannies. Well, her first project is with a rich purple Lambs Pride (wool & mohair) and after a few rows, she wants to do patterns & color changes!!
Mission accomplished. Now when they have to seek counselling for all the things Mom did, they can knit in the waiting room. Brooohaaa.
Now one more to go. My son was learning but his dad made fun of him and he quit and took up skateboarding. Can you imagine - falling down over knitting ;)
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