To all the Fathers that have helped make us who we are, thank you. To the Fathers of the future, raise your children with love and discipline. To the Fathers of the present, hold your baby(s) today - no matter if we are 2 or 62, we are always your baby.To the Fathers of the past, this is a difficult day for those of us that watched you slip away from this world because the love you gave us is stronger than time and you're always on our hearts.Thank you Wally Bishop & Ralph Grew for being my fathers!Thank you Frank Gallant for being the father to my children!Thank you Bryan Thorne for giving my sister stability and love to raise Tavis Thorne & Tyler.I have been so incredibly blessed in my life with wonderful men. First it was my dad, Wallace Meldon Bishop (1915-1983), and then my step-dad, Ralph Levitt Grew (1932-1997) and now with my husband, Francis Robert Gallant.
My drive & strong work ethic comes from my parents. My compulsive movement is from my dad. When I was a pre-teen, say 8 to 10 years old, I was sitting on the couch either knitting or sewing. My dad looked over at me and said to me with his famous big teasing smile, "My mother always said an idle woman was a useless woman and I'm glad you're not going to be useless". My grandmother was born in 1888, before the days of factory made socks, food and clothes.
That one comment 30+ years ago started the drive in me to make him proud and to make the grandmother I never knew proud. He likely wouldn't have even remembered making the comment but I cherished everything he said.
From that little girl on the couch learning to knit came the woman that was working on this today:
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