Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Vacation - 10 Minutes in Advance

Well, I'm off this week for a 10 minutes at a time vacation. Huh?  As a modern woman in these busy days, it's hard to sit and be still AND be okay with it. Have you ever had those weeks at work & life where everything is incredibly stressful, with everyone & everything pulling at you in a 1000 different ways? Well I've found the cure is a 10 Minutes in Advance Vacation. All this week, I'm sleeping when I want. Eating when I want. Knitting when I want. But must of all, I'm not planning anything more than a 10 minutes in advance. Wow, does it ever take the stress out of the day.  If you are only living for the next 10 minutes & tell people that, it's hard to have them & things pulling at you!

Today's Location - Warsaw, Poland.

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